lets face it
masculine / male/ men cards are a complete arse to do,
i find.
little boy cards are easy peasy
but when they grow up they start to become harder to please.
being the girl that i am i always end up making them look a bit too 'gay'
i have my hubby who has
his gaydar on
and happily lets me know if my
masculine cards aren't manly enough lol
so here are some i made recently.
see if you can spot the one that made hubby's gaydar go off lol
OK, I'll guess - perhaps the one with the red stripe and the ribbon and buttons? Jo Tracey
geez! you've been a busy girl! I think it might be the third one from the top. Very clean, very elegant. Very not messy!
Keep up the production, you're on fire!
keep guessing
see obviously our gaydar isn't working lol
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