Wednesday, April 20, 2011

birthday boy

i was lucky this week to have the school holidays and 2 very enthusiastic helpers with the party preparations.
i had them both using the rollers to decorate the party bags.
miss 7 used a halloween jumbo roller whilst birthday boy used the party standard roller.
the party bags got done very quickly and looked awesome!

next was the cake!
birthday boy wanted a dragon.
after an extensive search on the internet we came across this example 
as one that he liked and that mummy could do :>
some were amazing but a little beyond my skills
 this is what we ended up with!
roll ups for the wings and fire
marshmellows with a choc drop for the eyes
easter eggs for the nostrils
banana lollies for the claws
biscuits for the spikes
it was chocolate underneath with strawberry jam sticking it together
birthday boy loved it and there is not much left
thank goodness lol

cheers ears


Anonymous said...

Awesome cake Clare!

Alana Galagher said...

Loving your cake Clare, it looks great :-)